I have a love - hate relationship with winter. It is beautiful and awesome watching the changes that happen in nature. Everyone and everything gets tucked in for the winter to sleep and dream...
This time of year I love to go inward to do a little inventory on what was and is working well in my life and see if there are things that need to be let go of, things that don't serve me any more and do a little clean up.
The part that I love the most during this time is slowing down cooped up in the warm house in front of the fire with a cup of hot joy, dreaming just like a bear in hibernation or meditating in the dark of the early morning; did I mention chocolate - chocolate has a special appeal to me during these cold months. It is just awesome to listen to the call of nature and let my body completely rest, preserving the energy for the future. Slowing down...
The part that I don't like is the cold and the expectation to be at full speed just like during the summer... So don't take offense if it takes me a while to get back to you or if I am not thrilled about two parties in a row...
This time of year, I am more into the Burning Bowl ceremony - a ceremony where we let go of things that don't serve us any more and bring in the things that we want in our lives; Reiki that works as well as the Burning Bowl ceremony; good food and family.
This Winter - slow down, take some deep breaths, look around, check in with yourself and take good care.
This time of year I love to go inward to do a little inventory on what was and is working well in my life and see if there are things that need to be let go of, things that don't serve me any more and do a little clean up.
The part that I don't like is the cold and the expectation to be at full speed just like during the summer... So don't take offense if it takes me a while to get back to you or if I am not thrilled about two parties in a row...
This time of year, I am more into the Burning Bowl ceremony - a ceremony where we let go of things that don't serve us any more and bring in the things that we want in our lives; Reiki that works as well as the Burning Bowl ceremony; good food and family.
This Winter - slow down, take some deep breaths, look around, check in with yourself and take good care.
Happy holidays!