Monday, November 2, 2015

Boost Your Dream

Boost Your Dream Into Reality 

Do you have a dream, a vision, an idea that no matter what you do, how you do it, doesn't end in fruition or it doesn't bring your heart's desires into reality?
Boost Your Dream is a 3 week online circle forming to support you on your journey of manifesting your dream into this reality through guided meditation, journal prompts, and other activities.
Why circle? In a circle we are all equals. We are all students and teachers. We share our wisdom, strength, support and the power of the circle grows. It grows and changes in response to our growth and change. 
During these three weeks you will receive an email every other day filled with juicy content that guides you to look into the depths of your soul. I also reserve the right to change the frequency of the emails as a response to the need of the circle. So it might be that you receive an email two days in a row and then have two days off or you might have a week when you receive an email every day of the week... My job is to hold the power of the the circle and support all of you on your journey, and to respond to the needs and changes of the circle
We will build an online community to share our stories, experiences and receive compassionate and loving support from our community. This community will be formed as a closed Facebook group that you can join but you might decide not to. The choice is yours.

This circle is for you if you are ready to:
  • Release old thought patterns that don't serve you any more.
  • Release behaviors that are sabotaging you.
  • Be honest with yourself.
  • Empower your dream/heart's desire.
  • Plant the seeds in the cleared soil of your soul.
  • Open your heart to your creation.
We will start on 11/16/2015 using the power of November to go inwards and the power of  December to allow ourselves to dream and prepare our dreams to manifest.

If you have any questions email or call/text 503.754.6082.
You can either register by emailing me and I will send you an invoice or by using the PayPal button on the right side of this blog.

I am looking forward to sitting in a circle with you!

May our dreams grow big, powerful and may they come into this reality with ease and grace.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Angelic Reiki

Angel Reiki

Angel Reiki is a fusion of Reiki and the energies of the Angelic realm. The reason why we use Reiki as a baseline is that it acts as a highway for the Angel's energies. Reiki itself is a highly intelligent life force energy that can do no harm and it can with ease bring in high frequency energies of the Angels so that we can experience them on cellular level. Angel Reiki can bring forth profound healing on physical, emotional and energetic levels. The quality of Angel energy is one of kindness, love and safety. By practicing Angel Reiki the relationship with your Angelic guides will become stronger, richer and deeper.

This class is for you if you would like to:
  • Deepen your connection with the Angels and Archangels.
  • Be confident in your ability to be an open channel.
  • Be comfortable with channeling Angelic messages.
  • Have fun.

In this class you will learn and experience:
  • Angelic initiation.
  • How to connect with the Angels that want to work with you.
  • How to listen to the messages that come through for yourslelf and others.
  • How to use Angel energy for healing.
We will have lots of time to practice connecting, channelling, delivering Angel messages to each other and healing.

Prerequisite: being attuned to at least Reiki I. All Reiki lineages are welcome.
Knowing all the Angels and Archangels is not a prerequisite yet it can be beneficial.
Space is limited. Please register as soon as possible at or call 503.754.6082. Upon registration you will receive further information to attend the class.

August 27th  Noon-5


Friday, July 31, 2015

Awakening the Divine Feminine

Awakening the Divine Feminine
with Leslie Harris and Csilla Toth

Journey with us through the unfolding mysteries of the Divine Feminine as we ceremonially join with the passage of Venus through the underworld – Initiating the Ancient Timeless Death and Rebirth Cycle of Transformation

August 21, 2015 – March 31, 2017

These ceremonial gatherings will be initiatory experience into the Dismemberment, Death and Rebirth of the Divine Feminine within each of us. All can benefit from this powerful healing journey, as it is not gender oriented. As we transform through the Initiatory Gates of Inanna (Venus) on her journey through the Underworld we will align with our highest expression and release that which no longer serves us or the world.
We will meet once a month to support and witness each other's transformation either in person or online. For those of you that are joining us through the ethers - you will receive an email a few days before the gathering with instructions on how to prepare for the ceremony, and either videos or sound recording that will help you tune into the power of the ceremony.

Facebook group will be available for all participants, as a platform to connect and support in between workshops.

This workshop is for you if you are ready to:
-     claim your power
-     Uncover your true self
-     Embrace your divine feminine
-     Let go of stories that don't serve you any more
-     Commit to yourself and your process

There are no prerequisites for this workshop except the openness of the heart and mind, and willingness to fully immerse yourself in growth and expansion.
If you know that you will miss a workshop, please let us know before hand and we will send you the online version of that particular workshop.

Our first gathering is on September 10th from 6:30pm to 9pm.

The dates for the workshops are: September 10th, 2015
                                                      October 8th, 2015
                                                      November 5th, 2015
                                                      December 3rd, 2015
                                                      January 7th, 2016
                                                      February 4th, 2016
                                                      March 3rd, 2016
                                                      April 14th, 2016
                                                      April 28th, 2016
                                                      June 2nd, 2016
                                                      July 14th, 2016
                                                      August 4th, 2016
                                                      September 1st, 2016
                                                      October 6th, 2016
                                                      November 3rd, 2016
                                                      December 1st, 2016
                                                      January 5th, 2017
                                                      February 2nd, 2017
                                                      March 2nd, 2017

Location: Body of Spirit Holistic Center, 25500 SE Stark Street, Suite 202-204, Gresham, OR 97030

RSVP as space is limited:
Leslie Harris                      or                       Csilla Toth                 
503.804.4621                                              503.754.6082                  

Fee: $25 per workshop
Online participants will receive invoices a week before the workshop that are due at the time of receipt. To sign up for the online version email

“The Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine are starting this journey together in the heavens right now in the sign of Leo, developing the new storyline of Leo as well – the overnighting influence for this whole 584 day journey. This really brings about Blessings of the true Queen, sovereign in her divinity, bestowing great love and creative life force upon us – our Divine birthright.” Leslie Harris, Shamanic Astrologer

Friday, March 13, 2015

Angel Workshop

Angel Talk
Connect and Communicate with your Guardian Angels 

Angels are beautiful beings of light that are close to us, ready to help as soon as we ask them to. Their support and love is limitless. Our relationship with Angels deepens and becomes richer with practice and listening.

This online workshop is for you if you would like to establish or deepen your communication and relationship with the Angels. You will receive emails with content on Monday and Friday of each week. The content will include instructional videos, sound recordings and journal prompts that will facilitate your connection with the Angels. We will also meet in a closed Facebook group to share our experiences and journeys with the Angels. 

In this workshop you will: 
Week One
  • Learn to connect and communicate with your guardian Angels
  • Create an altar for your guardian Angels 
  • Receive guidance from your guardians
   Week Two
  • Meet Archangel Michael 
  • Learn how he can help you 
  • Learn how to receive guidance for someone else in the group
     Week Three
  • Meet Archangel Raphael
  • Receive Angel healing 
  • Establish daily practice
Workshop starts on April 6th, 2015.

Workshop fee: $45

To register email me at and I will send you an invoice or you can purchase it here. The PayPal button is in the sidebar of this blog.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Authority Circle - Your Voice Matters

Are you tired of giving away your power?
Are you tired of messages that tell you:

  • you are not good enough;
  • you need to lose weight;
  • to learn another skill; 
  • you need to serve others and not yourself;
  • if you did these "three" things your life would be richer better and you would have everything you want;
  • to be better, prettier, smarter, quieter;
  • and the list goes on and on...

Athena by Heather Soderberg

If these questions show up in your life and you want to move forward and away from them, I invite you to join me in the Authority Circle. 

When I think, feel and talk about Authority, I am in a place where I am in my wisdom, power; I have credibility to create new ceremonies, hold space for my clients and be free from my own insecurities, my own judgement. This circle is my way of saying, I am sick and tired of others pushing things on me with the message that I am not good enough, that I have to take another class to get there wherever that is, or why I haven't figured out how to earn 6 figures with my business. I am done with doubting myself. For me, this circle is about being seen as I step fully into my Authority and I say - I am powerful, I create magic, I create space for healing to unfold.

This circle has been forming for months now. It has been growing in power and strength and it is here to support you - to explore the aspects of your life that need you to step fully into your authority, into your power. The circle will hold and support your intentions of growth, self love and expansion through out the year.
I took this photo after I connected with the circle the other day.  
The power I felt  circling in my body was profound.
The circle holds so much magic and power...
Here you will be witnessed, heard, supported and loved on your journey to release the chains holding you down and claiming the YOU that was on the "back seat" until now. It is time for YOU to be in the Spotlight. Healing, change, acceptance, celebration are all part of this circle.

We will be working and exploring with the Elements, Medicine Wheel, Sound and Allies to help us on this journey of self empowerment.

The Authority Circle requires a one year commitment. You can attend the circles either in person or through e-circle format online. If you choose the in person and can't make a date, no worries, you will receive that month's e-circle program. June and December will be e-circle only with personal email guidance and an exercise created specifically for you.

We will have a closed Facebook group in which we will share our experiences, support and love between the circles.

The circle times are:
  • February 28th,
  •  March 28th, 
  • April 25th, 
  • May 23rd, 
  • June 20th no live gathering, 
  • July 25th, 
  • August 29th, 
  • September 26th, 
  • October 24th,
  •  November 28th, 
  • December 19th no live gathering, 
  • January 30th. 
The live, in person circles will gather from 1-4 pm. Please be prepared to stay longer if needed as each circle is unique. In my heart I hold the space for the circle's magic to unfold and room for it to breathe and morph into its own shape.

Registration is open until February 26th. Email to If you decide to join later in the year, you will still be asked to pay the full price as you will receive all the previous months e-programs and prompts.

The cost for the whole year is $400. If you choose a two time payment, the cost is $440. If you need to make a different payment plan please let me know so that we can find an option that will support both of us. I accept credit cards through Square and you will find the Paypal buttons in the sidebar of this blog. If you choose to pay in person, please let me know in your registration email. Thank you!

I am excited to embark on this journey with you! The circle holds magic and
beauty for all of us. I am ready to grow; hope you are too.
Looking forward to sitting in circle with YOU!