Thursday, May 19, 2016

Journey Through The Chakras Intensive

 Journey Through The Chakras Weekend Intensive
July 16th and 17th

Journey Through The Chakras is here now as a weekend intensive. Two full days, dedicated to learn about, heal and discuss the seven main chakras.  a 7 week online workshop. You will receive a handout filled with information about the chakras and some meditation prompts that you can continue working on after the class, so that we can focus on journeys and  healing exercises. The first day we will focus on the first three chakras and the second day we will be working with the upper chakras. We will start each day at 10 am, and circle until 5pm. This is a spirit guided workshop and I will allow for the flow of information to change the format of the class. Please bring your lunch, snacks and tea will be provided.

This workshop is for you if you would like to:

Learn about chakras and how they affect us.
How to strengthen your chakras.
Discover a power animal that works with each chakra.
Uncover and heal the blocks that prevent the flow of energy through your chakra system.
Manifest with the help of your chakras.
Use crystals to help you open up the flow of energy in each chakra.

Price: $175
Register by June 30th and receive $10 OFF.

If you have any questions email or call/text 503.754.6082.
You can either register by emailing me and I will send you an invoice or by using the PayPal button on the right side of this blog.
You will receive more detailed information about the workshop upon registering. Thank you!

Looking forward to travel through the chakras with you!

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Monday, February 8, 2016

Journey Through The Chakras

 Journey Through The Chakras
Starts March 7th - April 25th

Journey Through The Chakras is a 7 week online workshop. Each week we will learn about and discuss one of the seven main chakras. You will receive three emails a week filled with information, meditation and journey prompts. The emails will be delivered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is a spirit guided workshop and I will allow for the format to change in case it is needed - you might receive more then 3 emails one week but not on the other weeks. Upon registration, you will be added to a secret Facebook group in which you will find support throughout this journey. We will have two live Spreecasts for check in and to discuss the chakras we learned about in the previous weeks. Date and time of Spreecast: TBD.

This workshop is for you if you would like to:

Learn about chakras and how they affect us.
How to strengthen your chakras.
Discover a power animal that works with each chakra.
Uncover and heal the blocks that prevent the flow of energy through your chakra system.
Manifest with the help of your chakras.
Use crystals to help you open up the flow of energy in each chakra.

Price: $99
Register by February 25th and receive $10 OFF.

If you have any questions email or call/text 503.754.6082.
You can either register by emailing me and I will send you an invoice or by using the PayPal button on the right side of this blog.

Looking forward to travel through the chakras with you!