Saturday, December 1, 2012

Season of giving

December - the month when the winter starts; nature goes dormant, and at the same time it is the season of giving, joy and celebration. As much as I love to go inwards, processing what happened in this year and getting ready for the next year, I also love and appreciate the opportunity to celebrate with the loved ones and to give. This year, I would like to give you a free one hour session when you purchase one. This is a great opportunity to experience either distant or in person Reiki, Shamanic Sound healing or other shamanic healing techniques like soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, extraction.  
It can be a great gift for all those family members and friends that like to be pampered and cared for. And don't forget to pamper yourself - start your year energetically balanced and aligned.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Healing Meditation

I would like to share with you a healing meditation that my teacher, Ljubisa Stojanovic, received from Shiva during a deep mediation.
It is a very simple yet powerful exercise. It can heal your whole body, leaving you very relaxed. If you feel pain in a particular part of your body or you would like to work on one of your organs you should repeat that particular sentence several times until you feel a shift happening there. For example if your stomach hurts you could repeat, "The dark blue energy goes through my stomach," until you feel that the pain is gone or diminished.

Shiva's Meditation

Sit or lay down and take some deep breaths. When you feel ready, either out loud or in your mind say:
The dark blue energy is coming in through my toes and is going though my feet,
The dark blue energy is going through my lower legs,
The dark blue energy is going through my upper legs,
The dark blue energy is going through my hips,
The dark blue energy is going through my reproduction organs,
The dark blue energy is going through my kidneys,
The dark blue energy is going though my pancreas,
The dark blue energy is going through my liver,
The dark blue energy is going through my... this way you can guide the energy through all of your organs.

Once you have the dark blue energy going through your head you will say - The dark blue energy goes out on top of my head and it stops around 10 inches above my head.

You end the meditation with:
Yellow energy comes in through the top of my head and goes through my body, goes out through my toes and goes into the earth.

This meditation lasts around 3 minutes. You can use it every day up to two times a day.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Open Hearted Living

Do you find yourself responding in habitual patterns? Do you feel like there is a wall around your heart that is preventing you from deeply connecting with your friends, family, partner?
 Come and join us for a weekend of healing, expansion and growth. The heart is longing to be wide open. Are you ready to open yourself up to being in the higher vibrations and help everyone in this process of ascension?

This weekend is designed to help you become free and enable you to choose your responses to people and situations.
This workshop is supported by Angels, Archangels and Spirits to allow us exploration and learning.
We will explore:
·        Living in peace, joy and calm even when things around us are not in the same energetic alignment
·        True Self
·        The Heart Cave
·        Manifesting desires
·        Opening the Heart
This workshop takes place on October 27-28 from 10am-6pm in my SE Portland home.
Workshop fee is $250.
Space is limited. To secure your spot register as soon as possible.
RSVP @ or call 503.754.6082 for more information.
Csilla Toth is an Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master and Shamanic Sound Healing practitioner. She is an intuitive healer/teacher and spiritual coach.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Reiki for Happiness

"The Six Grandfathers have placed in this world many
things, all of which should be happy. Every little thing is 
sent for something, and in that thing there should be
happiness and the power to make happy..."
~ Black Elk Speaks
By John G. Neihardt

Happiness is like a vision, one moment we have it the next it is gone. Still we have choice.
We can choose to hold on to our happiness and not let the ways of the world affect us. We can choose to build a bubble around us and shine happiness to those who need it the most. 
When we live with our hearts open to gratitude and appreciation we choose to live in happiness. If you are struggling to hold on to the feeling of happiness - Reiki can help you.
With Reiki you can help your heart open even more; you can heal your emotional and mental self. Reiki can help you feel safe, peaceful and happy. Reiki can guide you to your higher self that lives in harmony and happiness with everything around it.
Choose to be happy.
I choose to be happy.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Did You Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed?

Do you ever wake up feeling like you are not reaching the peak of your potential?
I do. Sometimes I wake up and feel just a little off. I check in to see what is happening and sometimes I just can't pinpoint what is going on or why I feel off. So instead of dwelling in the feeling of less I choose to take a different approach.
One of the exercises that I do was developed by Tony Robbins, life coach. It is simple and you don't need much - just a mirror and you. Stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself and smile. Smile as long as you feel you need it. In the beginning you might feel like a fool but if you can go past that thought and keep smiling you will notice that a shift is happening inside of you - you will notice that your mood changes, that you feel like you have more energy and enthusiasm. Now you can get on with your day.
Another thing I like to do is to think of a simple, catchy song or a tune and sing it. You don't have to sing it out loud; it can just go on in your mind. Pretty soon you will notice that everything looks much brighter than before.
This is one of the songs I like to sing:

You can also just sing it as "I am opening up" rather than "We are opening up" when you are singing it for yourself. This chant opens up the heart and the heart chakra.
If you don't have time to meditate or do some physical activity, you can take some deep breaths and repeat affirmations until you feel like you are back on track.
Sometimes for some reason we can't shift our energy on our own so we need some help.
Reiki can lift you up to higher vibrations as it removes the blocks and restores the energy flow. Reiki can bring clarity of thoughts and feelings.
Reiki can help you live as close to your highest potential as you allow.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Reiki Treatment a Healing Ceremony

"When humans participate in ceremony, they enter a sacred space. Everything outside of that space shrivels in importance. Time takes on a different dimension. Emotions flow more freely. The bodies of participants become filled with energy of life, and this energy reaches out and blesses the creation around them. All is made new; everything becomes sacred."
~ Sun Bear, Chippewa teacher and author

According to Wikipedia a ceremony is "... an event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion".  
We can also say that ceremony is a set of actions with specific intention preformed to connect participants to the spiritual energy that flows through everything in the Universe.
Reiki treatment is a healing ceremony as the Reiki practitioner connects the client and him/herself to the universal Reiki life force energy that flows through all creation. The practitioner uses symbols and prayer to connect to the higher energies and facilitate healing for the client.
Preparing for the ceremony is one of the keys to success. Those who seek healing should set an intention for it. Which means that we need to drop into our heart and see what are we ready to let go of, what are we ready to heal, what are we ready to bring into our life. It is really important that we want this healing to happen, that we really want to make a change in our life and the universe will respond accordingly.
The healing ceremony can be as small as two people or it can have more than 50 participants. If each participant has a set intention - Reiki can heal what each asked for.
All Reiki ceremonies close with us giving thanks for our powerful yet gentle healing. Coming out of the ceremony doesn't mean that it is over as Reiki will be working on you for several days to come.
Enjoy the experience of connectedness and healing. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Allow yourself to be vulnerable.
Allow yourself to open up and live in gratitude.
Allow joy and happiness to guide you.
Allow Reiki to help you clear the path to whole hearted living.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Now we wish to leave you with these thoughts. Your body is the most sacred temple for it is where heaven and Earth conjoin Your life is a gift born from the Four Elements. Without them, the Universe would not exist. They respond to your love. Send them your gratitude and receive their message. Creation speaks to you through them with every breath you take and with every beat of your heart. Be still and listen.
~ The Hathors through Tom Kenyon

Our bodies are made of four elements: fire, water, air, earth. When we are born, air is the first element that we meet. It greets us and with that first breath we take it inside of us. Fire is in our stomach - it helps us to transform food into fuel for our bodies. 60% of our body is water, every cell is filled with fluid. Earth is our bones - they give us structure ans stability.
To be healthy, we need to have all the elements in balance. So how do we keep them in balance? Paying attention to our breathing; what we eat; how much and what we drink; bringing minerals to the table; being grateful for your body, for water to drink, shelter over the head, air to breathe - these are all ways to bring balance and help your body stay in balance. 
Love your body, take good care of it and if you feel like you are struggling have Reiki help you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Joy and Reiki

"The measure of my success
is my joy."
"The amount of joy you have
allowed yourself to experience
is the greatest indicator 
of your allowance of Energy and success.
Whenever you are feeling good,
you are an enormous ( successful)
~ The Teachings of Abraham
Well - Being Cards
Esther and Jerry Hicks

Living in joy feels like walking on clouds - everything is amazing, the colors are more vivid and there is ease and peace in all that I do.
We all experience this state of joy. Yet for one reason or another we lose our connection to the source of joy at times. Reiki can help you reconnect with it. As Reiki moves and clears the energetic blocks in the body it brings openness and allowance for higher vibrational energies, like joy, to fill the body and mind.
Are you ready to allow yourself to live in joy? Experience Reiki.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Reiki All The Time

Reiki is a life force energy. At times it feels gentle and quiet; sometimes it feels strong and rushing; but it always feels transforming. Reiki transforms physical, mental or emotional issues, clearing away the blocks so energy can flow freely in our body and aura.

When we experience Reiki, we relax and surrender to the healing that it brings. You can choose between long distance or in person Reiki to enjoy the benefits that it brings to you and to your surroundings. You can also choose to imbue your favorite piece of jewelry with Reiki and have it emanate this beautiful energy throughout the day. Imagine having a healing all day long; imagine your body drinking up that high vibration.  It is also possible to imbue an object with Reiki energy for a specific purpose. For example if you would like to have an office that always feels positive and calm you can have something like a picture frame or a vase that you keep in your office imbued with Reiki and it would emanate that energy into your space. In the same way you can make your home cozier. Just choose an object that you want to have around and have it imbued with Reiki. If it is connected to the Reiki grid it will emanate this beautiful energy for a lifetime.
If you are ready to change your surroundings or just simply enjoy the constant flow of Reiki in your body, please go to Offers for more information.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Excitedly, I can announce that you can follow ReikiFlow on Facebook too:
Don't forget to like the page.
Appreciate you!

Friday, May 11, 2012

May Giveaway Winner

The winner of the May Giveaway is Noraleight Carty!
I look forward to seeing you!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Know It

Today I woke up and my voice was cracking but my throat didn't hurt and I didn't feel sick. Still I went to that place of doubt - do I need to worry about this? - worry is not the best place to be. So instead I picked up a Well - Being card:

"There is nothing for me 
to guard against.

You exist in a place of
absolute Well - being;
tell yourself that again and again.
Know it. Be the evidence of it 
to give others reason to believe
that all can be well."

~ The Teachings of Abraham
Well - Being Cards
Esther and Jerry Hicks

The card brought a smile on my face and a little song:

Every little cell in my body is happy
every little cell in my body is well...
I am so glad that every little cell in
my body is happy and well.
I am so glad that every little cell in
my body is happy and well.

Since then I am in a state of joy and happiness. I feel healthy and strong - now my voice just needs to catch up with me :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Lately I've been exploring the four elements that surround us and are part of us. Water is one of them. We are surrounded by water and we are mostly water.
Everything has energy and a frequency including water. They are either low or high. Some energetic systems hold their vibration no matter what is going on around them and some don't. The water element is one of those energetic systems that changes its frequency depending on the vibrations that are surrounding or influencing it.
The best way to describe this process is through Emoto's work. Dr. Emoto claimes that high-quality water forms beautiful and intricate crystals, while low-quality water has difficulty forming crystals. Through his experiments he shows that an ice crystal of distilled water exhibits a basic hexagonal structure with no intricate branching but that positive changes to water crystals can be achieved through prayer, music, or by attaching written words to a container of water. Since 1999 Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages from Water, which contain photographs of water crystals next to essays and "words of intent."

Our bodies are up to 60% water. The water in us picks up our low frequency thoughts and aligns itself with them. Now we have our whole system functioning on a low frequency attracting low frequency energies that cause dis - ease, as my teacher Jan Engels Smith would say.
Our goal is to be on high frequencies as we are high frequency systems and in that way we wouldn't attract low frequency energies that cause dis - ease.
While working with Reiki and the water element it became clear that there is a great way to start the day. Imagine yourself bathing in crystal clear water - like a lake or a river - on a beautiful sunny day and feel love and appreciation toward the water that surrounds you and is in you. Feel that love and appreciation and send it to yourself. See yourself surrounded by divine light and beauty. Breathe it in, fill up. Now you are ready to start your day. And anytime you feel like the worries of the day are weighing you down, stop and see yourself surrounded by that love and light.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Giveaway

May is my month. It is the time of possibilities, growth, love... I love the energy that swirls around us like unleashed power waiting to be harvested, used.

My birthday is approaching and as a way of giving back to my community I would like to offer one free in person or distant Reiki session to a lucky winner.
To enter this giveaway, please comment on this post and share it with your Facebook community.  The winner will be selected by random on May 11th.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stress, Infertility, Reiki

"...Women struggling with infertility may be branding themselves with a modern - day scarlet letter: S.
Stress plays a role in 30 percent of fertility problems, studies find, yet it's often the last thing
women address.  "We're programmed not to reproduce when we're under stress", says Elizabeth 
A. Stuart, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine." 
~ From The Article: Fertile Ground by Jenny Rough
found in Whole Living Magazine May 2011

Stress affects us on all levels: mental, physical, emotional. It brings down the immune system, causes anxiety and fear and according to studies it blocks our ability to conceive. Studies also show that women who participated in mind - body sessions such as yoga or meditation over 10 weeks had a 52 percent pregnancy rate, compared with 20 percent in a control group.
In our day to day life it is so important to find ways to de-stress and relax. Meditation and yoga are very beneficial because they bring us into the present. While we are practicing nothing else exists and in that state we are able to release the tight grip that stress has on us. Reiki has a similar effect. As Reiki moves energy and energetic blocks in the body it also releases stress and while you receive it Reiki takes you in a deep state of relaxation.
Reiki works on releasing stress and it also prepares the body for the physical and spiritual aspect of the pregnancy. Reiki fills up your body with love and light and opens it up for new possibilities.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Have you ever entered a room or a house and felt like something heavy was in the air or like something was off? Usually you can't pinpoint that feeling to anything physical yet that feeling of discomfort is there.

When we occupy a space, we leave energy footprints in it. Our houses witness our joys and sorrows. So it is easy to have energies with lower vibration get trapped in our space... Just like with cleaning our homes, bathroom, sinks with nature friendly cleaners, it is important to clean energies from our homes that are not serving us.
Last summer we bought a new house. We loved the house but it had heavy energy. The first cleaning I did before moving in was a good Reiki swab. I went through all the rooms and cleared the space with loving energy and embedded it with the Reiki symbols. I still do that periodically after illness, stress or just because it feels like it needs some clean up.
There are other ways to clean the energy of the house, like burning sage with the intention to clear away everything that is not supporting you; having a priest bless your house; a clearing ceremony; using Feng Shui principles; letting lots of fresh air in every day; prayer. Countless possibilities, but my favorite ones are the Reiki blessing and burning sage.
When I use Reiki to clear and bless the space I can feel how it changes the flow of energy in the room. I can feel it clear away the things that were left behind by the previous owners. I can feel it clear away the things that we leave behind, like washing muddy footprints from a white carpet.
It feels great having clean space. We all notice it. There is more peace, less struggle; more joy, less sadness; simply living in a harmony.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I love Spring - the time of year when everything is waking up, coming back to life after a long period of hibernation. Just like the first daffodils that came up, parts of myself are coming back to life, too.
If you tune into nature you will feel the energy rushing up, the explosion of new light, the strength of the seed that shoots up into plant. In the same way, I feel the energy of the Earth coming up and exploding in me. My body feels rejuvenated and ready for physical activities, exercises; my brain works at a different speed; my soul sings a joyful song at the crack of dawn.
Nature sings its wake up song and we happily respond.
This is how I feel every spring:

"As each year unfolds
we weave more of the
miracle and wonder
of who we are into
the fabric of life...
... and all of life benefits."
~ From an original design
on hand died fabric
by Janet Tyers

Every spring, after the period of hibernation, I feel like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly; something beautiful emerges and that beauty shines on all of us.
Reiki helps me see all the colors of nature in a more vibrant and joyful way and appreciate the life cycles even more.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Children, Reiki, Animals

At the age of three, my younger son, Attila, played that he was going to a Reiki school. He would put his hands on me and tell me that he was "Reiki"-ing me.
Both of my boys like receiving Reiki - when they are hurt, don't feel well, before bedtime or just because they feel like it. At one point both of them wanted to learn how to give Reiki and my heart sang with joy! A week later, we sat down and I told them a short story about Reiki and Dr. Usui, then explained the attunement process and what they needed to do. It was a challenge to keep a three year old from getting up or asking questions in the middle of it all - but we finished successfully. Both of them got attuned to the first level of Reiki which meant that they could heal themselves and help others, too.
On the days when I am not at home and someone gets hurt my older son, Tibor, is the healer. He puts his hands on the body part in need and asks for healing. Attila, on the other hand, didn't want to give Reiki. He just wanted to receive it until... Until we got a puppy, Padme, who had surgery before we got her.
One afternoon I was watching Attila and the puppy lying next to him. He had both of his hands on her tummy. The puppy lay still for quite some time and then suddenly turned around. Attila was not happy and he kept telling her to turn back. I asked him why is it so important to him that the puppy lay on her back and he said indignantly - "So that I can Reiki her!"
It was amazing to me that he intuitively knew what she needed! And Padme loved it. I don't even have to say that her wound healed very nicely under the hands of her Reiki healer.
Animals love the gentle and loving energy of Reiki. They immediately notice the changes and improvements that happen in their body and they will let you know when they've had enough.  You can also attune your pet to Reiki. Your pets sense when you don't feel well and they can treat you to some Reiki.
Whether you are a two or a four legged, a plant or a tree - we can all benefit from Reiki, the loving energy of the creator. Whether you use it for stress reduction, pain relief or letting go of old wounds, Reiki promotes well being and balance.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ways of Reiki

Around the time I started studying and doing energy work, I started hearing wonderful things about Reiki - how it helped with the quality of life, bringing healing and peace...
It took me almost 10 years to come back to Reiki but once I found it - I knew it is here to stay. Reiki and its all including energy and love are my basic tools for healing - Reiki is my foundation. From there I can easily build custom treatments depending on the client's needs.

Today I would like to introduce my guest blogger Nissa Howard, a beautiful and passionate healer, and the ways she likes to use Reiki in her own practice. Enjoy!

Prepping with Reiki

As a Shamanic Practitioner and Empowerment Coach, I find that Reiki does to my healing sessions what salt does to food.  It kicks up the heat, adds flavor, blends with everything, and when in doubt….add it! 

When I create sacred space to hold a session, Yoga class, or workshop, Reiki brings a settled shiver of cohesive wholeness to the circle.  A subtle power surge of universal limitlessness, Reiki fills the room, the circle, the bodies, and the hearts of every being seen or unseen.  It completes the family of my spirit helpers, my guides, me, and the energetic medicine that takes place in my work. 

I have recently implemented the use of Reiki to relax a class or client before I begin the session and noticed an amazing shift take place in each time. I activate the room, the people, and myself. The clients are exponentially more allowing to the healing taking place, and are having vivid, tangible feelings in their body as they receiving the “medicine”.  After I began prepping with Reiki, one of my least visual and least open clients began to feel the energy moving in his body as well as see himself release certain memories.  He now speaks of that session with enthusiasm and has expressed his new found hope and sense of capability in his life.  Yoga class clients are transported to the stillness within in a way I had never seen before.  They are walking out of Yoga grounded, expanded, and renewed on such a deep internal level. Other clients have come out of sessions or classes asking “What did you do differently? I felt more connected to what happened! I’ve never had a session like that before! I felt so much bigger than my body!”  Naturally, they now make sure I will prep them with Reiki at each session or class.  Of course, now it is my standard operating procedure.

As the practitioner, I am experiencing beneficial shifts now that I prep my sessions with Reiki.  It’s almost as if Reiki gets my helpers and guides fueled up so when I state the intention for the healing, they are ready to go, it’s clear, and we get there quick.  Sometimes after an extraction, it’s not known what needs brought in to refill the empty spot, so I have been using Reiki to fill and the clients feel profound love. Prepping with Reiki fills me up and relaxes me too so I have less mind chatter as I stand as the observing “hollow bone” for the energy medicine to take place.  These combinations create a richer, more connected, more tangible experience for me and my clients. 

My favorite side effect of bringing Reiki into my circle of “power tools” is that anytime I have felt stuck or unsure of where to go in a session or workshop, I take a breath to focus on the activated Reiki and instantly I know or see what is next.  It’s my “when in doubt” tool.  So many times a session or workshop is disrupted by outside forces or insecurities and Reiki brings everything and everyone back to the moment and the feeling state of being a human in progress.  And it’s a powerful state when you accept being a human in progress.

Shamanic healing and energy medicine facilitates a life lived in balance, a life lived with heart and a life lived from inner truth.  I feel blessed and honored to do this work.  I am deeply grateful to have Reiki accelerate its benefits.  The combination of Reiki with any healing work I do, whether it’s Yoga, Shamanic, Chakras, Workshops, has changed the landscape of my practice in an incredible way. 

Nissa Howard is an Empowerment Coach and Shamanic Practitioner.  For more information check out her website at www. or".  Like her on Facebook at .

Friday, February 24, 2012


"Banish uncertainty.
Affirm strength.
Hold resolve.
Expect death.

Make your stand today. On this spot. On this day. Make your actions count; do not falter in your determination to fulfill your destiny. Don't follow the destiny outlined in some mystical book: Create your own.
Your resolve to thread the path of life is your best asset. Without it, you die. Death is unavoidable, but let it not be from loss of will but because your time is over. As long as you can keep going, use your imagination to cope with travails of life. Overcome the obstacles and realize what you envision.
... create the poetry of your life with toughness and determination."
365 Tao Daily Meditations
By Deng Ming-Dao

While creating our lives we find so many paths to choose from. Which way should we go? Is this the best path for me? Am I cut out for this? I want to do this - how do I get there? So many questions; so many possibilities...
When you feel stuck, indecisive, overwhelmed - it is time to ask for some help, guidance. You can pray, go for a run, meditate, do yoga, have energy work done or you can do all of these to reset yourself and see with fresh eyes. 
I use Reiki to reset myself. Reiki helps me with my goals - it empowers and clarifies; brings peace instead of frustration with the process. Creating my life is so much easier with Reiki - it brings grace, strength, tolerance and gratitude to the flow of life.
Creating the poetry of your life with Reiki can bring greater harmony and beauty; less struggle and more joy. Why be quiet when you can sing... why be still when you can dance?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Two Wolves - A Cherokee Legend


An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."*

*as found on

Sometimes when the battle is going on a little help would be nice. Help without words, without judgement or attachment. Reiki is a perfect helper because your Reiki practitioner doesn't have to know the details of the struggle or if you don't want to talk about it - the practitioner doesn't even have to know that there is a struggle. You have to ask Reiki for help and it will by feeding the good wolf in your soul.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Time To Play

Enter to win one Reiki treatment!
You can choose between distant or in person treatment!
All you have to do is - follow this blog and share this post on 
your Facebook page. 
The lucky winner will be announced on 2.10.2012.
Let the game begin!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Power of Words

Words - we use them constantly and most of the time we don't think about them; we don't think about the energy that goes into them; we don't think of them as a carrier wave of dreams. Words carry power. They can be blessings or the opposite.
Do you remember running around as a kid and saying - abracadabra? Abracadabra is a derivation that has been contorted over time and it originates from Hebrew "Evrah Kedabri" (אברא כדברי), I will create as I speak. What did you create as a child? What are you creating as an adult? Are you putting blessings around yourself and on others? Are you singing and bringing joy? Or not so?
Walk in Beauty is a Navajo prayer that I would like to share with you:

The Navajo Beauty Way Ceremony
In beauty may I walk
All day long may I walk
Through the returning seasons may I walk
Beautifully I will possess again
Beautifully birds
Beautifully joyful birds
On the trail marked with pollen may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk
With dew about my feet may I walk
With beauty may I walk
With beauty before me may I walk
With beauty behind me may I walk
With beauty above me may I walk
With beauty all around me may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty

Anonymous (Navajo)

As a way of planting positive thoughts and experiences, the Navajo use this expression - May you walk in beauty. Do you have expressions that invoke beauty and light?
I create as I speak... I create a beautiful home for my family, friends and community. I create healing for all those in need. I create...
What are you creating?

May you walk in beauty.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reiki Meets Shamanic Sound Healing

When I started down the energy medicine path, I have never dreamed that I would be using my voice as a healing tool.
It all started with the song practices for the Lightson School of Shamanic Studies. During that time I had a realization: I like singing and it feels like it doesn't really matter how good I am at it. To my surprise, others think that my voice sounds very nice and I get a lot of compliments. We are talking about serious confidence booster here. I mean before I would go to the desert to sing just to make sure that no one could hear me....
One thing led to another and I found myself in the Shamanic Sound Healing class with my teacher Dr. Lauri Shainsky. I wasn't really sure why I was there but it felt right, it felt like my heart wanted to be there and it was amazing. I grew a lot. This class opened the doors to sound and songs for me and I am deeply thankful for the teachings.
Still the sound didn't come easily to me... it came but it had a hard time getting out of my mouth until...
One day I had a friend come for a Reiki treatment but she was also curious about the sound healing - she wanted to try it out. So what was I supposed to do? Of course I said yes even though my solar plexus was twitching from sudden energy surge. I called in the spirits, Reiki and the symbols and I set to work. After some time channeling Reiki, I felt a song energy coming in and I started singing - my heart was in it and I felt it sweep through my body and out to my friend. Things changed for her and for me, too.
I realized that when Reiki and Shamanic Sound Healing are used together that they are a very potent and powerful vessel for healing. I cherish this time of discovery, growth and expansion.
Are you ready to grow with me?

Friday, January 6, 2012

My Article in the Walk About Magazine

I am pleased to share with you the article that I wrote for the Walk About Magazine.
Walk About Magazine is a magazine for all those who enjoy walking, jogging or running. It is published in Portland and distributed to libraries and other wellness centers across town.
For all those who missed the physical issue - here is the article Reiki: Physical Healing, Spiritual Healing, and self improvement. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It is time to say goodbye to another year and welcome the new one. Welcome the unwritten pages of new opportunities, experiences, places, people - new life.Starting a new year is always so exciting. Here is this big book with clean pages; no writing or scribbles in it; we decide what to write in it, which way the plot should turn, what changes to make... so exciting.
So I take out my vision board and start putting up ideas and pictures of places, things that I want to bring in my life this year. I love the endless possibilities and playing with the imagination, dreams.
Then the next step is setting an intention for the upcoming year - what a challenge... Every year,  I set my intention in an achievable way - not too high, not too low. Since I started practicing Reiki my bar went up - with help everything is easier to reach. Reiki helps strengthen our will power and focus in the right direction.
I also like to participate in the Burning Bowl ceremony to release all the things that don't serve me any more and bring in more desired qualities...
At the beginning, I like to think that I know how my life will unfold even if that is not 100% true. I just know that taking that first step is easier if I can rely on my dreams, intentions and imagination...
Happy, bountiful journey in this new 2012!