Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ways of Reiki

Around the time I started studying and doing energy work, I started hearing wonderful things about Reiki - how it helped with the quality of life, bringing healing and peace...
It took me almost 10 years to come back to Reiki but once I found it - I knew it is here to stay. Reiki and its all including energy and love are my basic tools for healing - Reiki is my foundation. From there I can easily build custom treatments depending on the client's needs.

Today I would like to introduce my guest blogger Nissa Howard, a beautiful and passionate healer, and the ways she likes to use Reiki in her own practice. Enjoy!

Prepping with Reiki

As a Shamanic Practitioner and Empowerment Coach, I find that Reiki does to my healing sessions what salt does to food.  It kicks up the heat, adds flavor, blends with everything, and when in doubt….add it! 

When I create sacred space to hold a session, Yoga class, or workshop, Reiki brings a settled shiver of cohesive wholeness to the circle.  A subtle power surge of universal limitlessness, Reiki fills the room, the circle, the bodies, and the hearts of every being seen or unseen.  It completes the family of my spirit helpers, my guides, me, and the energetic medicine that takes place in my work. 

I have recently implemented the use of Reiki to relax a class or client before I begin the session and noticed an amazing shift take place in each time. I activate the room, the people, and myself. The clients are exponentially more allowing to the healing taking place, and are having vivid, tangible feelings in their body as they receiving the “medicine”.  After I began prepping with Reiki, one of my least visual and least open clients began to feel the energy moving in his body as well as see himself release certain memories.  He now speaks of that session with enthusiasm and has expressed his new found hope and sense of capability in his life.  Yoga class clients are transported to the stillness within in a way I had never seen before.  They are walking out of Yoga grounded, expanded, and renewed on such a deep internal level. Other clients have come out of sessions or classes asking “What did you do differently? I felt more connected to what happened! I’ve never had a session like that before! I felt so much bigger than my body!”  Naturally, they now make sure I will prep them with Reiki at each session or class.  Of course, now it is my standard operating procedure.

As the practitioner, I am experiencing beneficial shifts now that I prep my sessions with Reiki.  It’s almost as if Reiki gets my helpers and guides fueled up so when I state the intention for the healing, they are ready to go, it’s clear, and we get there quick.  Sometimes after an extraction, it’s not known what needs brought in to refill the empty spot, so I have been using Reiki to fill and the clients feel profound love. Prepping with Reiki fills me up and relaxes me too so I have less mind chatter as I stand as the observing “hollow bone” for the energy medicine to take place.  These combinations create a richer, more connected, more tangible experience for me and my clients. 

My favorite side effect of bringing Reiki into my circle of “power tools” is that anytime I have felt stuck or unsure of where to go in a session or workshop, I take a breath to focus on the activated Reiki and instantly I know or see what is next.  It’s my “when in doubt” tool.  So many times a session or workshop is disrupted by outside forces or insecurities and Reiki brings everything and everyone back to the moment and the feeling state of being a human in progress.  And it’s a powerful state when you accept being a human in progress.

Shamanic healing and energy medicine facilitates a life lived in balance, a life lived with heart and a life lived from inner truth.  I feel blessed and honored to do this work.  I am deeply grateful to have Reiki accelerate its benefits.  The combination of Reiki with any healing work I do, whether it’s Yoga, Shamanic, Chakras, Workshops, has changed the landscape of my practice in an incredible way. 

Nissa Howard is an Empowerment Coach and Shamanic Practitioner.  For more information check out her website at www. Inquirewithin.me or http://inquirewithinme.wordpress.com/".  Like her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/inquirewithin.me .


  1. Thank you so much for this. I know the benefits of Reiki, But I'm not always understanding how it works, I love learning more!

    And thanks Csilla for sharing your blog with another voice!

    1. Thank you Phaedra. I am glad you liked this entry as I hope to have other guest bloggers with their unique voices.
